Energy For Life

TLT are working in partnership with Citizens Advice to support the most vulnerable residents of Cheshire to reduce their energy bills and make the most of their energy supply.
Two Energy Advisors employed by Citizens Advice are offering free energy advice workshops to groups in Cheshire West and Cheshire East council regions. These workshops aim to help reduce energy costs by: giving information to help make sustainable changes in behaviour in order to reduce consumption; to cut energy costs; and to raise awareness of grants and schemes available.
We have extended the service further to offer 3 workshops/events which are:
Workshop 1 (Drop-in sessions): We can attend any events you have scheduled and engage with attendees who wish to seek helpful light touch energy advice. We provide literature, leaflets, other material and where applicable, refer clients who need and seek help to our dedicated energy team. We can attend coffee mornings, open days, fairs, and team events.
Workshop 2 (Energy Advice Workshops to Clients): We can attend events or community groups and give a dedicated pre-arranged talk/presentation to attendees. This can come with an optional drop-in time after if any attendees have any individual queries or seek help. We are able to deliver this presentation remotely if preferred.
Workshop 3 (Front Line Worker Energy Presentation): A very similar workshop as the above, however delivered to groups of volunteers or officers who regularly engage directly with consumers and would benefit from information that would help their clients. As above this workshop can also be delivered remotely. The workshops are available 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.
You may also be interested in a general energy talk rather than a workshop, please see below for further details.